When another user requires access to the file, their security credentials are verified before being granted access to the data even though the file data is already in memory and in clear format. 当另一个用户需要访问该文件时,在授予对数据的访问权限之前,将验证其安全凭据,既使这些文件数据已经以明文格式存在于内存中。
Put in a few simple words to make memory consequences clear, and your memory programming improves. 添加几个简单的单词可使内存结果更清楚,并且内存编程会得到改进。
The files are decrypted when they are read from the disk into memory so that the file data kept in memory is in clear format. 在将文件从磁盘读取到内存时对文件解密,因此文件数据能够以明文格式保存在内存中。
And fortunately, decades of research carried out by psychologists about learning and memory has produced some clear advice on doing just that. 幸运的是,心理学家关于学习和记忆的数十年的研究,为我们在这方面提供了一些清晰的建议。
I seem to be so sensitive and always keep everything in mind that even small pains can lead an endless life in my memory and be kept clear enough to stay long. 我似乎太过敏感且念念不忘了,再小的疼痛我也能记忆良久,而且异常清晰。
In this paper, the formula is discussed and the meaning of increasing recorder length of DSO ( means increasing of memory depth) is made clear. 文中对这个公式进行了讨论,并指出现代DSO增长记录长度(即增加存储深度)的实际意义。
Sorry, memory is too full to Cut to the clipboard; Clear the selection instead? 对不起,内存已满,无法将选定内容剪切到剪贴板上。要清除选定内容吗?
Remembering things holds promise of long-term value; a digital memory bank of places I've been could be really handy. It's just not clear that most people really need it. 个人记录作为产品价值对时间的要求较长,可手持的电子记录空间是长期“签到”的意义,但我不能肯定用户真的需要这个服务。
All this happened a long time ago, but the memory of it remains clear. 这一切已经发生很久了,但是有关这段回忆,在脑海里依然清晰。
Since I am rather proud of my own memory, I have tried now and then to remember as far back as I could and to identify my earliest clear memory. 因为我幼年时期最清晰的记忆已经尽可能不加分辨的记住了一些东西,未来我也会记住一些东西,所以我特为我的记忆里自豪。
What's deep in her memory is real and clear images that her mother sincerely helps others and those honorable actions have inspired her growing up. 她至今记忆尤深的是妈妈真诚助人的一个个真实又清晰的画面,那些高尚的行为一直激励着她长大成人。
To avoid memory leaks, however, you should clear all the elements in any recycled object before reusing it. 为了防止内存泄漏,你应当在重用前清除任何被回收对象的所有元素。
He points out that our brains integrate many different aspects of visual perception with memory and preconceptions to create a single image& not always correctly, as optical illusions make clear. 他指出,我们的大脑通过将偏见、记忆与视觉等方方面面相结合来创造单个图像&若错觉占据上风,则单个图像也并非正确。
The memory of that night is still clear in his mind. 那天晚上的记忆在他的脑海中仍然非常清晰。
Despite evidence for implicit memory, which may result in changes in behavior during anesthesia in adults, evidence in children is less clear. 尽管有隐记忆的证据,这可能导致在麻醉期间成年人行为的变化,儿童证据不太清楚。
If it is an umbrella, memory is the most clear coagulation red umbrella. 倘若是打伞,记忆最深的是清凝的红伞。
CONCLUSION: The results of the current study indicate that the molecular mechanism of memory storage is complex, and still not clear, which needs the melting of other subjects for further study. 结论:目前的研究表明记忆储存的分子机制是复杂的,完整的理论体系还没建立,还需要各学科的融合继续进一步的研究。
The directed forgetting effect has been well verified in many researches using traditional tasks ( explicit memory tests). However, the effect on implicit tests appears to be less clear and discrepant. 定向遗忘的研究大多是采用外显记忆测验的任务展开,运用内隐记忆测验的研究却很少,而且研究的结果差异也非常显著。
A new internal variable, shape memory factor, was defined, it can describe the shape memory effect and superelasticity of shape memory alloy and possesses clear physical meaning. 定义了能够有效描述形状记忆合金的超弹性和形状记忆效应的新的内变量:形状记忆因子。
Confabulation has been defined as "falsification of memory occurring in clear consciousness in association with an organically derived amnesia" or as "spontaneous narrative reports of events that never happened". 它是指自发地叙述一些从未发生的事件或器质性遗忘症患者在清醒意识下产生的记忆伪造。
A number of animal studies indicate that it has significant effect on cognition and memory, but up to now the mechanism is not clear. 大量动物实验表明该甾体与记忆认知明确相关,但目前对该甾体的作用机制还不清楚。